

 <num> (<mag>) C
 + (x|<num> y|<num> => <num>) G
returns the sum of its arguments.
 - (x|<num> y|<num> => <num>) G
returns the difference of its arguments.
 * (x|<num> y|<num> => <num>) G
returns the product of its arguments.
 / (x|<num> y|<num> => <num>) G
returns the quotient of its arguments.
 round (x|<num> => <int>) G
returns closest integer to x. If x is exactly between two integers then the implementation is free to return either integer.
 round-to (x|<num> n|<int> => <flo>) G
returns x to closest flo n digits precision.
 floor (x|<num> => (tup <int> rem|<num>)) G
returns an integer by truncating x towards negative infinity.
 ceil (x|<num> => (tup <int> rem|<num>)) G
returns an integer by truncating x towards positive infinity.
 trunc (x|<num> => (tup <int> rem|<num>)) G
returns an integer by truncating x towards zero.
 mod (x|<num> y|<num> => <num>) G
returns the remainder after taking the floor of the quotient of x and y.
 div (x|<num> y|<num> => <num>) G
returns the trunc of the quotient of x and y.
 rem (x|<num> y|<num> => <num>) G
returns remainder after dividing x by y.
 pow (x|<num> e|<num> => <num>) G
returns x raised to the e power.
 exp (x|<num> => <num>) G
== (pow $e x)
 sqrt (x|<num> => <num>) G
returns the square root of x.
 pos? (x|<num> => <log>) G
== (> x 0)
 zero? (x|<num> => <log>) G
== (= x 0)
 neg? (x|<num> => <log>) G
== (< x 0)
 neg (x|<num> => <num>) G
== (- 0 x)
 abs (x|<num> => <num>) G
== (if (neg? x) (neg x) x)
 num-to-str-base (x|<num> b|<int> => <str>) G
returns string representation of x in base b.
 num-to-str (x|<num> => <str>) G
equiv (num-to-str-base x 10)
 str-to-num (x|<str> => <num>) G
returns closest number corresponding to string x.
 INCF (INCF ,name) S
== (SET ,name (+ ,name 1))
(INCF (,name ,@rest)) S
== (SET (,name ,@rest) (+ (,name ,@rest) 1))
 DECF (DECF ,name) S
== (SET ,name (+ ,name 1))
(DECF (,name ,@rest)) S
== (SET (,name ,@rest) (+ (,name ,@rest) 1))
 $e <flo> I
 $pi <flo> I
 sqrt (x|<num> => <num>) G
 log (x|<num> => <num>) G
 logn (x|<num> b|<num> => <num>) G
 sin (x|<num> => <num>) G
 cos (x|<num> => <num>) G
 tan (x|<num> => <num>) G
 asin (x|<num> => <num>) G
 acos (x|<num> => <num>) G
 atan (x|<num> => <num>) G
 atan2 (y|<num> x|<num> => <num>) G
 sinh (x|<num> => <num>) G
 cosh (x|<num> => <num>) G
 tanh (x|<num> => <num>) G


GOO currently represents integers as 30 bit fixnums.
 <int> (<num>) C
 | (x|<int> y|<int> => <int>) G
returns the logical inclusive or of its arguments.
 & (x|<int> y|<int> => <int>) G
returns the logical and or of its arguments.
 ^ ((x|<int> y|<int> => <int>)) G
== (| (& x (~ y)) (& (~ x) y))
 ~ (x|<int> => <int>) G
returns the logical complement of its argument.
 bit? (x|<int> n|<int> => <log>) G
returns true iff nth bit is 1.
 even? (x|<int> => <log>) G
 odd? (x|<int> => <log>) G
 gcd (x|<int> y|<int> => <int>) G
greatest common denominator.
 lcm (x|<int> y|<int> => <int>) G
least common multiple.
 << (x|<int> n|<int> => <int>) G
returns n bit shift left of x.
 >> (x|<int> n|<int> => <int>) G
returns signed n bit shift right of x.
 >>> (x|<int> n|<int> => <int>) G
returns unsigned n bit shift right of x.


GOO currently only supports single-precision floating point numbers.
 <flo> (<num>) C
 flo-bits (x|<flo> => <int>) G
returns bit representation as an integer.
