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Goo successfully compiled with Visual C++.NET

I've managed to compile Goo using the C compiler that ships with the
Microsoft .NET framework SDK. With a few (well, quite a lot actually)
changes to the grt.c and grt.h files and a manual build procedure, Goo
both compiles and runs when compiling as a CLR application (ie. a .NET

There are a few workarounds and hacks I had to do. I'll document them
and make the changed C files available somewhere if people want.
There's still lots that would need to be done as I've made a number of
the unixy calls just stub functions (returning (P)0 so I get a core
dump). But the interperter fires up and you can define methods, call
methods, etc.

Maybe this would be a gateway to a Goo.NET enabling calling of the .NET
class library. 

Is anyone interested in the source and/or changes I had to make?
Otherwise I'm going to try calling .NET libraries and see how things


  Chris Double