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Re: v0_139 available

On Tuesday, July 23, 2002, at 10:30  PM, Jonathan Bachrach wrote:

> Chris Double <chris@double.co.nz> writes:
>> Jonathan Bachrach <jrb@ai.mit.edu> writes:
>> Visual C++ doesn't like the variable argument #define
>> unfortunately. Would there be any problem with the g2c code generator
>> being changed to emit the _CALLN(regs, ...) instead of the CALLN? I'm
>> going to try the change but thought I'd run it by everyone here in
>> case there's a reason for it not being done that way.
> sounds reasonable.  i did the threads port in such a way as to
> minimize the compiler changes, that is, to not depend on the
> implementation of language state (e.g., regs).  it's not a big deal
> though since it only shows up in one place.  surprising that vc++
> isn't ansi compliant.

That is a new feature in C99, so its not all *that* surprising that VC++ 
doesn't support it, after all its only 2002.

>> Also, anyone think of a way of working around VC++'s lack of
>> variable arg macros without going the 'change the code generation'
>> route?

Might try using the older syntax for vararg macros:
#define CALLN(args...) _CALLN(regs, args)
I have no idea if that's supported, but its worth a try. Or maybe they 
use yet another syntax...could be worth looking through the 
