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Re: CVS update: goo/src/goo/cols

On Sun, 2002-08-04 at 21:26, James Knight wrote:
> So, again, the question is whether == should be required to be a *fast* 
> operation or not. My opinion is that it is more valuable to have == be 
> defined as "computationally equivalent" than "fast equals". And, under 
> the (currently specified!) definition, <tup> should override ==.

IMO, if <tup> overrides it, <str> should too. (afaict, strings are
immutable...). It would finally make <tab>s useful in most cases if
those two immutable types did it (and probably most others). Plus, it
would be even cheaper than doing it for tuples, since strings can only
contain chars (and not other <tup>s or whatever).

I didn't quite understand this next part, so if my suggestion is moot, I
apologize :)

> > - Move <str-tab> like you suggested, as its need will be obviated by
> >   <val-tab> and the fact that 'hash' will be implemented on strings.
> Its need won't be obviated, as the general equality function for strings 
> does not (and should not) do case-insensitive comparisons, which the 
> symbol table must do.

                                Chris Armstrong
                         << radix@twistedmatrix.com >>