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Re: tcc

James Knight <jknight@fuhm.net> writes:
> So I've been playing with tcc (Tiny C Compiler
> http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/tcc/) a bit with the expectation of
> replacing the fork/exec of gcc with a library call to the compiler
> which compiles into the running image. However it does not appear to
> be ready for embedded use yet. The released version compiles once
> only (which is all that's needed for the standard executable), and
> with some coaxing I got it to work two or three times, but then it
> dies from some cause I haven't determined. Most of the state is
> still stored in global variables instead of TCCState, and tcc_delete
> isn't actually freeing any of the memory, and tcc_new isn't actually
> initializing all the globals it needs to.

Two other projects that might be useful to you guys:

  GNU Lightning, a multiplatform JIT framework. IIRC, it is also
  used in GNU Smalltalk. <http://www.gnu.org/software/lightning/>

  vmgen, a system for generating virtual machines from a machine
  description. It builds fast VMs that use a lot of the canonical
  optimizations, like threaded code, putting the top of the stack
  in a register, etc. <http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/vmgen/>

Neel Krishnaswami