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goo is missing...

So... my professor let me program my research this semester in goo.
I've found that I've been needing the following:
1. egal == for strings and tuples (mostly because of the lack of #4 and
                                   the advantages it would give for
   I think == for immutables has far more advantages than disadvantages.
   The only disadvantage I can think of is == will no longer be a fast
   == operator.  Two options come to mind:
   a. Make an object-== which basically does
   (== (address-of x) (address-of y))
   b. If someone wants a fast ==, just have them type that out.

2. Something that produced bugs for me:
(add!) and (add) do different things.  The first appends, while the
second prepends.  (add!) for lists prepends.

I think the behavior of add should be more consistent.  When I call add,
I expect things to be added to the end.  Otherwise, when I make a
function that takes a <seq> and uses add, if you pass it different types of
<seq>'s, it will have a different result.

This will make (add!) slower for lists, but who uses lists anyway?

3. Reverse (pos) and reverse (finds)

4. Being able to define what equality function to use for mem?, split,
pos, finds, and pretty much every other <seq> function that uses it.

5. case-sensitive string hashing

There was a #6, but I have forgotten it by now :)

Jonathan Hseu <vomjom@vomjom.org, vomjom@debian.org, jh4@cec.wustl.edu>
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