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Re: gets ambiguity and enum suggestion

Smelly Pooh <plop+goo@redbrick.dcu.ie> writes:

> Version .146
> The gets method returns an empty string "" whether we're at EOF or
> reading an empty line, 

gets is defined to return a <str>.  the protocol is set up to require
that the user call eof? to disambiguate these cases. 

> peek never seems to return EOF and I don't want to mix get with gets
> calls.
> There also seems to be a bug when calling peek just before and after EOF
> is returned by get.  Each time peek is called #\ is returned, then
> calling get on the port also returns #\ instead of EOF

i'm not sure why this is from looking at the implementation:

  src/goo/io/port.goo and src/goo/io/%port.c

it would seem peek should return ``(eof-object)'' based on its
``fgetc'' implementation.  it is merely a wrapper for ``fgetc'' and
``ungetc''.  are you running on windows or linux?

> On the topic of the enum method, can it be made to be more generic than
> taking <col> as its first argument?  That would allow types such as
> <port> to work with the enum protocol, and simplify cases where people
> want to create enums, but not necessarily a full fledged collection

i'm sympathetic.  i'll respond more fully to your next message.
