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Re: MacOSX?

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 09:22, Rob Myers wrote:
> Thanks. I had trouble with macros and some linker options but I think
> I've fixed those and at the moment it's the find --> install park of
> the makefile I'm having trouble with. Apple's install doesn't have a
> "-D" option and I've no idea what -D does: I assume it's -d but I can't
> find that information on the net.

>From the manpage:

      install [options] [-s] [--strip] source dest

      -d, --directory
              Create  each given directory and any missing parent
              directories, setting the owner, group and  mode  as
              given  on  the command line or to the defaults.  It
              also gives any parent directories it creates  those
              attributes.   (This is different from the SunOS 4.x
              install, which gives directories  that  it  creates
              the default attributes.)

      -D     Create  all  leading  components of the dest except
              the last, then copy source to dest.  This option is
              useful  in the first format in the synopsis, above.
              (New in fileutils-4.0.)
