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Re: goo on Mac OS X

On Friday, March 7, 2003, at 02:02 PM, Raffael Cavallaro wrote:

1. Which is best (fewest conflicts/bugs?) for Mac OS X 10.2.4 (i.e., latest rev of Mac OS X)?

6.1 . The others either don't compile or don't run.

2. Where should it be installed under Mac OS X - as a shared library somewhere (/usr/local/lib?), in GOO_DIR/gc?.

[Fetch and untar gc6.1]
cd gc6.1
./configure --prefix=/usr/
sudo make install
sudo mkdir /usr/include/gc
sudo cp includes/* /usr/include/gc

3. Any changes to the makefile or installation process to make it work as goo expects under Mac OS X?

None I know of. Note that gc doesn't like shared libraries on X, this is being fixed at the moment according to the Beohm mailing list.

- Rob.