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RE: Announce: Goo Editor Plugin for Eclipse


I really need to write up some kind of document for how to use it.  So,
here's the 5-minute tour:

1.  As you have already done, just unzip the tarball into your plugins

2.  When you start up, Goo support will be enabled.  You can create a new
project using the standard "File/New/Project" menu item.

3.  Create a new file in the project called "<whatever>.goo"

4.  Start typing -- this will give you the fontified syntax highlighting,

5.  To run a Goo inferior process, make sure you set the path to the Goo
runtime under "Workbench/Preferences/Goo Options."  It's under the 
"Code Assist" Tab, called "Goo Runtime Location".  Make sure the path
includes the executable's name.  On my system that looks like:


It defaults to:  "C:\Goo\goo.exe"

Then, while you have a Goo file open in an editing window, you will see
a new button pop up on the button bar (it shows a running person).  If
you click on this button it will launch the process.

Note:  You may have to go under "Perspective/ShowView" menu and select
the Console option to raise the console window.

That should do it.  Let me know if you run into any other trouble.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Double [mailto:chris.double@double.co.nz]
> Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 7:14 AM
> To: goo list
> Subject: Re: Announce: Goo Editor Plugin for Eclipse
> Hi Brent,
> What version of Eclipse should I use for this? I downloaded the latest
> stable release (of 2.0 I think) and I'm having some problems. I
> unzipped your Goo package stuff into the plugins directory. Was that
> the correct thing to do? How do I start up the inferior Goo process?
> Any hints or tips for Eclipse newbies?
> Chris.
> --
> http://radio.weblogs.com/0102385
> -- 
>   Chris Double
>   chris.double@double.co.nz