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Is there any liklihood of Goo being able to have native threading
sometime in the future? What would be involved in making Goo

I see a global 'stack' variable used and functions push and pop items
from the stack. I'm guessing this won't work as is because multiple
methods being called at the same time are going to confuse that stack.
Any other areas that are not threadsafe or reentrant that would need to

For the .NET port I've can spawn multiple threads and I've got the
functionality to run tests but they blow Goo away because of the
problems mentioned above of course:

  (dotnet-start-thread (fun ()
  (system-windows-forms-messagebox-show-string "Hello World!")))

This starts a thread and displays a hello world message box on another
thread. But Goo dies at random points (as I expected, I didn't think it
would be magically thread aware).

  Chris Double