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Re: Problems with libraries using C - code

Am Sam, 2002-09-28 um 04.43 schrieb Andrew Sutherland:
> Currently, to use modules that use .c files, you must build a new goo
> image with those modules included.
> For example, to build network sockets in to the goo image, you would:
> - Edit src/eval/main.goo, and add the following line:
> (use goo/io/net)
I tried that. Actually I added these two lines:
(use samurui/samurui)
(use goo/io/net)

> - Then, in the REPL of a running goo:
> (use eval/g2c)
> (g2c-test "magic") ;; sets the output dir to "g2c-magic" off of goo/c
> (g2c-top) ;; builds a new image in "g2c-magic"
During execution of that call a Stack overflow happened :-(

