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Re: case sensitivity

On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 11:37 PM, Jonathan Bachrach wrote:

> anybody else have opinions on this?

Can't Goo just prefix constants with $? That would solve the problem of 
C library writers using different capitalization schemes as different 
namespaces for functions and constants.

There's a related problem this doesn't fix. As examples: in the MacOS 
"Carbon" libraries, there are a couple of macros which use different 
capitalizations to denote different versions. And the old "Toolbox" 
code had different capitalizations of the same names to denote by-value 
and by-reference versions of methods that worked on structs.

This is bad practice, though, as it's confusing and introduces 
potential for errors. IMVHO, whatever  is decided, bad practice from 
thirty-year-old programming languages is a problem for wrapper 
generators rather than new programming languages.

- Rob.