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Re: swig questions

1.  I tar'ed up my current SWIG dir and cleaned it.  Same location as
before, new file name though.  It's

The actual mechanism for Goo integration is now more, well,
integrated.  Specifically, you should use the samurui/gtk* stuff as
your guide more or less.  I've also put my gtk swigging directory in
that same directory too (it's gooswiggtk.tgz).  Er, but with more on
how it works now, the output is actually gtk.goo which contains
trivial goo definitions, and then gtk.swig.c which includes the actual
SWIG'ed code.  There are upsides to this new approach and downsides.
The upside is that you can built a new image that has your SWIG'ed
support built-in.  The downside is that you must do this and there is
no longer a way to do it dynamically, at least without a little
hacking.  The reason is that in the new approach, Goo builds up the
environment data using the .goo file, whereas previously I faked it in
the .c file.


a.  I'd assume this is my fault, as I don't see how SWIG couldn't
support it.  My brain is deathly asleep so I'm not able to intuit
where the glitch is.  The three potential stages are that I actually
generate the Unsupported constant value error (in which case my
blatant cutting and pasting of other code is at fault), I break it in
an internal transform in the wrapper, or I pass it straight through to
Goo without transforming it into the proper reader syntax (very
possible).  What I'm doing wrong now might have changed since the
version you have.

b.  This is definitely SWIG.  Although it's possible SWIG is more
Turing complete in more recent versions vis a vis macros, 1.3.10 only
determines something a constant if it's defined that way in C, or is a
very simple #define BOB 0 type format.  If SWIG supports that in later
versions, we can update my language module to work with that.
However, the best solution is probably if you just do it by hand if
there are only a few cases like this, or try and get the preprocessor
to pre-chew it a bit more if there are a lot of them.

c. SWIG doesn't support varargs, at least as of 1.3.10.  However,
assuming there are a limited number of these vararg versions, you can
probably write C helper functions that get wrapped, or direct Goo/C
helper functions to do what you want.

3. Probably.  The SWIG wrapper has thus far only been used for GTK
   wrapping purposes.  For that case, it really didn't matter all that
   much, as I wasn't looking for things to disappear when I wasn't
   paying attention, especially if they had backing state in the GTK
   libraries.  I am not as familiar with Boehm as I should be, but in
   my experience it seems like Boehm ignores GTK when it's looking for
   live references, so I probably am avoiding GC bugs by doing so
   right now...

4. Get/set are currently only generated for structures out of
   laziness, and the aforementioned GTK specialization.  It would make
   sense for any exposed globals to have magic wrappers.  (Although as
   in the parallel thread to this, one could debate whether they
   should already getter/setter functions in C for abstraction
   purposes ;) I can't provide an explanation for the hanging, at
   least in my current tired state.  All that is happening there
   should be boxing and unboxing...

I fear the code is your best reference on this for now, as it's been
quite a while since I've worked with this stuff.  However, I'm more
than happy to answer any further questions, especially when I'm awake
and make sense.  Jonathan can also speak more to the ideal
implementation stuff.  If something looks like a hack in here, I'm
sure it is a hack.  Hell, if something is in my wrapping code, I'm
sure it is a hack.


jm <janmar@iprimus.com.au> writes:

> hi,
> i've got a few questions about gooSwig.
> 1.
> where can i get the lastest version,
> the wiki web links to an old version.
> 2. 
> are these issues easily fixed or are they limitations of swig
> a. hex defs aren't recognised as constants
> #define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020
> b. enums in macros prevent constants from being generated
> enum { SDL_PRESSED = 0x01, SDL_RELEASED = 0x00 };
> #define SDL_BUTTON(X) (SDL_PRESSED<<(X-1))
> #define SDL_BUTTON_LEFT 1
> c. variable length arg lists
> extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_SetError(const char *fmt, ...);
> 3.
> when creating new_* functions wouldn't it be better to use
> GC_malloc() or allocate() instead of calloc()?
> 4.
> when i swigify these functions ii_set works,
> but ff_set hangs the top-level, does anyone
> else get this behaviour?
> int ii = 0;
> int ii_get () { return ii; }
> int ii_set (int i) { ii = i; return ii; }
> float ff = 0.f;
> float ff_get () { return ff; }
> float ff_set (float f) { ff = f; return ff; }
> also, it would be nice if
> export float ff;
> automatically generated the get/set functions.
> thanks.
> --
>  jan